Trump Announces New Crypto, Definitely Knows What That Is

Bitcoin's got a new trim

Former president Donald Trump officially unveiled his son’s cryptocurrency, ‘World Liberty Financial’ and explained in detail exactly how it works. However, Trump was unable to officially unveil his son as Barron was absent from the livestream.

Speaking on X’s Spaces yesterday, Trump raised the topic of crypto early on and began an in-depth explanation of its many benefits. “You’re going to be happy and you’re gonna love your crypto,” said Trump to the livestream’s host and “proud crypto bro” Farokh Sarmad.

“As long as you have crypto you’re happy,” Trump continued, “Nothing else makes you happy.” Farokh did not comment on the profound emptiness of this intended compliment.

Having summarised the advantages of crypto, the Republican nominee went on to meticulously analyze exactly why DeFi still faces legal roadblocks, “Right now you have a very hostile SEC. The, err, I guess you’d have to say, I don’t know, when you say administration do you call it Biden or do you call it Harris? Nobody really knows what to call it but maybe we’ll say a combination of both, have been very hostile toward crypto, toward all of them and extremely hostile, like nobody can believe, nobody even understands why.”

Trump sees crypto as a thing that China has or will have and therefore we should do that thing but more. He explained, “If we don’t do it, China’s gonna do it, China’s doing it anyway. But if we don’t do it we’re not going to be the biggest and we have to be the biggest in the world.… And if we don’t do it China’s gonna do it. If we don’t do it other countries are gonna do it.”

By this point in the interview, it was time to get down to cold hard numbers. Trump continued, “You know when you look at values and you add it all up the value of this thing is bigger than they were showing me the top 20 corporations, and all of this the numbers are just gigantic. It suffers from some credibility lapses I mean some things were done or not done but it’s a growing, it’s very young and very growing.”

Speaking of ‘very young and very growing’, Trump brought up his sons Eric and Barron (but mostly Barron), “Barron’s a young guy but he knows it, he talks about his wallet he’s got four wallets or something and I’m saying what is a wallet? Explain this to me.”

Having demonstrated an in-depth understanding of crypto in just question one, Trump could use later questions about crypto to discuss AI and his granddaughter learning Chinese. Over the interview Trump did not once mention Barron’s ‘World Liberty Financial’, probably to build mystique.

In a recent advertisement for Trump Trading Cards, the former president said, “They call me the crypto president, I don’t know if that’s true or not but a lot of people are saying that.” After this interview, no one can deny that Donald Trump truly is the ‘Crypto President I Don’t Know If That’s True Or Not But A Lot Of People Are Saying It’.

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Max Profit• September 18, 2024D

Trump Announces New Crypto, Definitely Knows What That Is

Former president Donald Trump officially unveiled his son’s cryptocurrency, ‘World Lib...
Max Profit• D

Trump Announces New Crypto, Definitely Knows What That Is

Former president Donald Trump officially unveiled his son’s cryptocurrency, ‘World Lib...