Nation Celebrates Inflation Drop by Planning Black Friday Spending Spree

Recently released CPI figures show the United States has seen a remarkable decrease in inflation, primarily thanks to falling gasoline and used car prices. The streets are buzzing with joy, as citizens plan to commemorate this economic milestone by buying an additional 70 inch flat screen tv on Black Friday.

As the Labor Department released figures showing a soothing 3.2% inflation rate, down from the nerve-wracking 3.7% in September, Americans everywhere rejoiced. “It’s like getting a raise without having to do anything!” exclaimed one shopper, eyeing a new TV that’s still out of her budget.

The decline in inflation, attributed largely to the easing of pandemic-related supply chain issues, has led to an unexpected surge in consumer confidence. “I thought I’d never see the day when buying a slightly used sedan would feel like a steal,” said a local dad, who has been putting off replacing the family minivan for what feels like decades.

The core prices, which exclude those roller-coaster ride-like food and energy items, rose a modest 0.2%. Economists are hailing this as a victory, with some already nominating themselves for Nobel Prizes for their accurate, albeit constantly changing, predictions.

Barclays predicts a further decrease in inflation, but Americans seem to have a different plan. “Lower prices? Great, let’s buy more stuff we don’t need!” said a consumer, who just heard the news and is now planning a celebratory trip to the nearest electronics store.

As for gasoline prices dropping by 5%, families are already planning their next road trip. “Who cares if we have nowhere to go? Gas is cheap!” said a mom, as she started packing for a trip to a destination to be decided later.

The Federal Reserve, witnessing this euphoria, is contemplating whether to raise interest rates just to dampen the party. “We can’t have too much fun now, can we?” joked a Fed official,  as the money printers slowed down in the background..

As the nation grapples with this newfound economic ‘stability’, citizens are gearing up to do what they do best – spend money in celebration, because what better way to combat lower inflation than by trying to single-handedly raise it again!

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John Combs• November 14, 2023D

Nation Celebrates Inflation Drop by Planning Black Friday Spending Spree

As the Labor Department released figures showing a soothing 3.2% inflation rate, down from...
John Combs• D

Nation Celebrates Inflation Drop by Planning Black Friday Spending Spree

As the Labor Department released figures showing a soothing 3.2% inflation rate, down from...