McDonald’s New Hire Slows Drive Thru Traffic To Standstill

It's about crypto, idk if that's clear

PHILADELPHIA, PA — A local McDonald’s is facing complaints after drive-thru traffic ground to a halt this weekend. The delay was reportedly caused by an untrained new hire who slowed service by talking at length to customers.

Franchise owner, Nads Mescling explained that, “He seemed like a nice enough guy, liked to talk a lot. I don’t want to blame his age but his performance just isn’t up to the standard we expect from Feasterville McDonald’s. We might think twice about hiring convicted felons in the future.”

The line of cars stretched for miles as hungry drivers waited to be fed in an unusually high turnout for the local fast-food chain. The main cause of the delay appeared to be the employee trying to upsell his own crypto tokens, hats, and bibles. At one point service ceased entirely when the employee opted to play music and stand and sway for 40 minutes instead of working.

Thankfully there were only two heat-stroke fatalities.

The employee responsible for the delays has not been identified but McDonald’s has assured customers that he was let go less than an hour into his shift.

“At first I thought he might be overqualified,” commented ‘customer experience leader’ Brasing Edemma, “I mean who turns up to work at McDonald’s in a suit? He even wore a matching red tie, like, that’s crazy.”

“But turns out he’d only ever worked in, like, a bank or selling watches or something? So he had to be shown everything. Yeah, you have to salt the fries, no, you don’t get to eat the fries. And he kept calling them freedom fries but they were just regular fries.”

Witnesses say that the employee only wanted the job to prove he could do better than an obscure, unnamed student employee who worked at the restaurant in the 1980s. Evidence of who that student was or whether they even worked at McDonald’s has yet to come to light making this the first time anyone has argued for McDonald’s to be kept on their CV.

What should have been a minor local news piece has exploded into a hotly debated issue. Weirdly, political pundits have weighed in with their opinion on this distinctly apolitical event. Democrats claim the whole scenario was ‘desperate’ and ‘embarrassing’ whereas Republicans claim this random employee’s actions were ‘emboldening’ and ‘relatable’. And, like …OK?

While many photographers were on the scene to photograph the event for some reason, publications opted to use AI-generated images instead because no one could really tell the difference.

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John Combs• October 21, 2024D

McDonald’s New Hire Slows Drive Thru Traffic To Standstill

A local McDonald’s is facing complaints after drive-thru traffic ground to a halt this w...
John Combs• D

McDonald’s New Hire Slows Drive Thru Traffic To Standstill

A local McDonald’s is facing complaints after drive-thru traffic ground to a halt this w...