Local Man Regrets Spending $50 Million On Condoms, “I Might Have Overestimated My Chances”

GAZA, MOZAMBIQUE – A local man (local if you live in Gaza, Mozambique) has expressed his regret after spending $50 million of US government aid entirely on contraceptives for himself.

Eduardo Guardo, who requested he remain anonymous, explained, “What can I say? I thought I’d get lucky. Yeah, using $50 million worth of condoms would require constant sex until the heat death of the universe, but I’m a hopeful man. No, I still haven’t had sex yet but fingers crossed!”

Mr. Guardo, who remains a virgin, recently read a book on ‘pickup’ techniques to increase his chance of romance. After becoming confident in his abilities, Mr. Guardo estimated he would need at least $50 million worth of condoms. This was not the case however and Mr. Guardo in fact required $0 million worth of condoms.

“So now I’ve got this massive warehouse filled with rubbers and idk what to do with them. I thought maybe I could get into balloon animals or something.”

Mr. Guardo’s purchase became a point of controversy recently after Elon Musk claimed this was an example of government overspending. Musk however misunderstood and thought the condoms went to the Gaza Strip (which would be a problem) and not Gaza, Mozambique (which is fine, actually).

It still remains unclear if the cited overspending did indeed happen but the condoms have reportedly somehow ended up in the hands of Hamas.

“I needed a buyer, ok?” confirmed Mr. Guardo. “If they’re going to do it and I can’t stop them then I’d rather they were doing it safely, you know? You have fun, kids.”

Leaked information speculates Hamas will now sell the condoms back to the US and use the money to buy weapons. And the circle of life continues…

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John Combs• February 14, 2025D

Local Man Regrets Spending $50 Million On Condoms, “I Might Have Overestimated My Chances”

GAZA, MOZAMBIQUE – A local man (local if you live in Gaza, Mozambique) has expressed...
John Combs• D

Local Man Regrets Spending $50 Million On Condoms, “I Might Have Overestimated My Chances”

GAZA, MOZAMBIQUE – A local man (local if you live in Gaza, Mozambique) has expressed...

“Pace Yourself” Worried Doctors Strongly Advise Trump

The President’s personal physician, Dr. Cabzo Eirangily has warned Donald Trump that, should he continue working at his current pace, he could die in a matter of minutes.

“As President Trump’s second most trusted medical source after RFK Jr., I am seriously encouraging him to take a break,” Dr. Eirangily explained. “We’re not even a month into his second presidency and so far he has… Hold on, I’ll speak in bullet points so it’s easier to follow:”

“And what, he’s expected to do this for four years? No whey hose A. I’m worried one more trade war and he might die of ‘too much president’. Just look at what happen to J’Biden.”

“I would also,” the doctor then turned directly to me and looked me dead in the eyes, “I would also like it if you would stop encouraging him.”

“You’re always writing about him, reporting on every little major thing he does and it just motivates him to do more. If you really care about this man’s health as I sure do then you’ll stop writing stories on him, OK? Deal?”


[NOTE: This entire article has now been redacted. DO NOT READ.]

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John Combs• D

“Pace Yourself” Worried Doctors Strongly Advise Trump

The President’s personal physician, Dr. Cabzo Eirangily has warned Donald Trump that sho...
John Combs• D

“Pace Yourself” Worried Doctors Strongly Advise Trump

The President’s personal physician, Dr. Cabzo Eirangily has warned Donald Trump that sho...

#WhiteHouseSoWhite, Trump Puts All DEI Hires On Leave, Accidentally Fires Elon

As one of his many first acts as the new king of the free world, Donald Jordana Trump has written an executive order rolling back diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) schemes that he calls “dangerous, demeaning and immoral” and if only he’d found an ‘E’ word instead of ‘demeaning’ he could have done something clever there.

A government memo written in large Sharpie letters has told federal agencies to put all diversity staff on immediate paid leave.

“Yeah, it’s a win-win for me,” commented self-proclaimed diversity hire, Eric Trump. “I don’t have to work and I still get paid? Hell yeah, what’s not to like?”

The memo gives instructions to put staff on leave, report back with how they’ve done that, submit a plan for further staff reductions, AND report any effort to disguise DEI programs with “coded or imprecise language” whatever that means, could they be more precise?

In the kerfuffle, Elon Musk has reportedly also been put on leave. Internal documents from the Office of Personal Management (OPM) suggest that Musk might have been a DEI hire all along having ticked the boxes on his application for ‘African’, ‘probably on the spectrum’ and ‘just generally unemployable’.

So to explain for the people in the back row: the idea is that DEI is supposed to compensate for those traditionally discriminated against by gender, ethnicity, sexuality, religion, disability and trivia knowledge. Opinions on DEI predictably divide along political lines with the liberal left LAMEstream media saying it’s a necessary policy to help rectify hundreds of years of injustice and unconscious biases. The conservative right COOLstream media say that it’s fundamentally unAmerican and unDemocratic and unMeritocratic and unConstitutional, people should be hired on ability, not anything else and to do so is in fact the prejudiced option.

The truth is both opinions are correct but who is right? Does DEI actually address inequality or does it just get abused? Can people hire fairly PURELY based on merit without any other biases getting in the way? The problem is not a disagreement with whether DEI works or is fair, the problem is that both sides aren’t in agreement with the initial premise that there even is any inequality. The left says there are still deeply entrenched disparities whilst some on the right say no, racism ended with Obama (or something, idk). Keep going right and the extreme opinion is that there is inequality and that’s a good thing, the wHites should be out on top, but now we’re into plain old-fashioned racism.

The difficulty is that all these arguments and opinions are all swirled up in each other making it hard to separate good-faith arguments from your classic bigotry. And that confusion isn’t helped by the left seeing that swirly mess and crying ‘racist’ because it’s the most hyperbolic retort like what I just did a paragraph ago.

Maybe that’s too forgiving to Trump. It’s hard to look at a mass firing of theoretically underrepresented people and not think it’s mean-spirited. Without an agreement on the initial problem and without an agreement on whether the solution works, it feels more like political flexing than an actual step to making things better.

What do you think? Email in or comment below with your favorite death threat.

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John Combs• January 23, 2025D

#WhiteHouseSoWhite, Trump Puts All DEI Hires On Leave, Accidentally Fires Elon

As one of his many first acts as the new king of the free world, Donald Trump has written ...
John Combs• D

#WhiteHouseSoWhite, Trump Puts All DEI Hires On Leave, Accidentally Fires Elon

As one of his many first acts as the new king of the free world, Donald Trump has written ...

Justin Trudeau Announces Plan To Run For President

Although he literally just stepped down as Canadian Prime Minister, controversial politician Justin Trudeau has announced that he will run for the Office of the President of the United States of America in 2029.

“I’ve had a lot of time to think recently,” explained the 53-year-old has-been. “And I thought my political life was over. But then I thought, where’s the one place where it doesn’t matter where you’ve come from? The one place where being a controversial politician is actually useful? The one place where being 53 is actually really really young? That’s right. The White House.”

Although Trudeau will be ineligible to run for president as, amongst other things, he isn’t American, this doesn’t mean he can’t campaign, it would just be a bit weird. But hey, if he wants to waste his money, fine by me.

“I AM THE ONLY MAN WHO CAN BEAT DONALD TRUMP,” added Trudeau even though I could have sworn he’d left. “He’s not a man he’s a monster! The only person to bring him in line will be me! ME!”

It remains unclear if Trump will even run in 2029 however as the Constitution forbids a third term but what does it know anyway? It’s just a bit of paper. And scissors beats paper.

Trudeau’s reign has been rife with controversy from corruption scandals to blackface scandals which are the worst two scandals. Since his resignation, the Canadian Liberal party has yet to announce a successor but insiders suggest they might just not bother this time. 

“Do we really need a Prime Minister?” asks Kota Braly, my neighbor who happens to be Canadian and opinionated. “America doesn’t have a Prime Minister and they’re doing alright. Maybe a secondary minister, I’d settle for that, but a Prime one? Idk [sic] if that’s necessary.”

“Woah, slow down there,” oh my god, it’s Constitutional Jim, the only superhero with the same powers as a political constitution! “That’s right kids and I’m here to tell you that a political system that elects a single figurehead to power, whilst opening up an avenue for tyranny, actually can have the inverse effect of increased accountability. After all, if you can’t put a face to a political name so to speak then how would you know who to blame?”

Wow, thanks Constitutional Jim, you really cleared up that political dilemma for me. I guess my neighbor Kota is an idiot and a Canadian.

“She sure is, kid.”

Well, we sure could have done with your help when we were actually talking about constitutions rather than this later bit which isn’t as relevant.

“… Uhuh. Constitutional Jim, away!”

Alright, thanks for watching, don’t forget to like and subscribe.

Latest news

John Combs• January 11, 2025D

Justin Trudeau Announces Plan To Run For President

Although he just stepped down as Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau has announced tha...
John Combs• D

Justin Trudeau Announces Plan To Run For President

Although he just stepped down as Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau has announced tha...