Murder Legalized If You’re Really Cool About It

26-year-old Luigi Mangione has been arrested in relation to the murder of UnitedHealthcare CEO, Brian Thompson. But lawyers say he is unlikely to be convicted since “He was really cool about it.”

Thompson was shot and killed outside of a New York hotel last week. The shooter left no clues other than the words “deny”, “defend”, and “depose” written on the shell casings and a backpack filled with Monopoly money which is god damn Joker-shit, I’m telling you.

Once Luigi Mangione was revealed to be a suspect, the internet went into meltdown because, plot twist, he’s really hot.

“Yeah, we’re pretty sure he’s not going to jail,” said Angus Eurgh, a prominent New York lawyer you might have seen on television. “He’s hot and hot people don’t go to prison, it’s the law. He was also really cool about this whole murder thing and, call me a bad lawyer all you want, but I just don’t think cool people should be punished.”

As part of the manhunt, the police sent divers to search the Central Park lake and I don’t know why no one told them he probably wasn’t down there. No, Mangione ended up in a Pennsylvania McDonald’s which is just constantly in the news at the moment for some reason. He was then dobbed in by a goddamn snitch, a goddamn piece of work and good citizen if ever I saw one, he’s the one that should be arrested, not the hot one, Jesus.

On Mangione’s person was a note explaining his motives (very cool) and a 3D-printed “ghost gun” (super cool). So it’s going to be a tough call in the trial going forward. Will the judge and jury behave as they should, weigh up all the evidence, and lay out a suitable punishment? Or will they be like, “Ya but he dreamy, tho,” and let him free, setting a dangerous president for future models to off anyone deemed publically bad?

We get shooters all the time and you’d think every one of them would be demonized evenly but the general public doesn’t believe that murder is necessarily the worst thing. Sometimes the public will justify a murder if the cause appears noble and if they’re not a little goblin freak. Self-defence, a just war, capital punishment, just really poetic, passionate revenge, all can make killing ok to people.

But who gets to decide when killing is ok? The history of civilization has been the struggle to answer that question and we have long since concluded that leaving the answer to public consensus leads to dangerous mob rule, emboldens vigilantes, and leaves no recourse to punish killers who do not have righteous motivation or kill by mistake. We’ve built a legal system, that though imperfect does a better job at parsing out right and wrong than ‘just vibes’. And crucially this system has mechanisms to self-correct and improve. Righteous killing does not.

The system is broken but part of its self-preservation mechanisms is in its complexity and ability to disperse responsibility so no one person can be held accountable. The system can’t be dismantled because no one needs to take responsibility. The converse of this is that killing one person, shocking and newsworthy though it may be, does nothing to fix the larger system. Perhaps it was revenge but revenge brings only short-term satisfaction, not real solutions. Perhaps it was purely to send a message and maybe this death will motivate changes. To deem its justification this would have to bring about some change but even if it does we can only damn these actions as that of a pariah lest we inadvertently sanctify future killings, even those with which we don’t agree.

“Brian Thompson was a father to two, he was a husband, and he was a friend to many,” said Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro at a news conference yesterday. “And yes he was the CEO of a health insurance company,” he added as if this balanced out the other good things he just said.

“In America, we do not kill people in cold blood to resolve policy differences or express a viewpoint,” Shapiro continued. “I have no tolerance nor should anyone for one man using an illegal ghost gun to murder someone because he thinks his opinion matters most in a civil society, we are all less safe when ideologues engage in vigilante justice. In some dark corners, [Twitter] this killer is being hailed as a hero. Hear me on this: he is no hero the real hero in this story is the person who allied 911 at McDonald’s this morning.”

Luigi’s Mansion is now trending on Twitter.

Prime Minister Barnier Makes A French Exit

Alright, let’s have some European politics, as a palette cleanser. Hear me out. French Prime Minister Michel Barnier has been ousted from his top position after pushing through a controversial budget with just three months under his belt. Why does that sound familiar… 

That’s right! It’s because the same thing happened in the UK two years ago when Prime Minister (and professional lettuce impersonator) Liz Truss was forced to resign for her expired economic plan. And, although it’s not quite the same, the US government seems to be perpetually on the verge of shutdown when the budget doesn’t get pushed through in time. Much like why I’m constipated.

Anyway, back to France. So Barnier was President Emmanuel Macron’s top pick (I know, France has both, I don’t get it either, let’s move on) and that’s super embarrassing for both I bet (I don’t know, it’s not happened to me) but Macron’s probably going to be fine so that’s good for him. Meanwhile, Barnier has left the government without saying goodbye to anyone which is known as a French exit or a French leave or an Irish exit or an Irish goodbye or (if you’re French) an English exit but if I’d used that the joke wouldn’t have worked. I guess you just name an exit after whichever peoples you think are rude.

Anyway, what was I talking about? Oh, yeah, Europe’s a mess. Basically, ever since the previous election France now has these three, equally powerful political blocs, and each time one tries to do anything the other two vote it down. Like a giant game of pierre-papier-ciseaux. I guess a calcified ultra-partisan three-party system is better than a calcified ultra-partisan two-party system, right? RIGHT?

People, or at least the doom-hype train that is the news, are saying that this could spell the collapse of Europe and society as we know it. Because, you know, if France can’t get its act together maybe they won’t be all together when Ukraine needs continued support. And then Trump comes in and pulls out America’s help as well and Russia gets carte blanche to march in and take Ukraine, then Poland, then East Germany, West Germany, France, Britain and before you know it the Capitol building has a big onion-shaped dome instead of just a regular dome.

So, yeah. French politics doesn’t seem so unimportant now, huh?

BREAKING: Spotify Wrapped Accidentally Leaks Pentagon Secrets

In an attempt to summarize users’ listening habits, music streaming platform, Spotify has inadvertently revealed top-secret government information.

Rather than viewing their streaming figures, some Spotify users were met with a colorful presentation of CIA, NSA and FBI statistics, some of which implied war crimes, all to the tune of Chappell Roan’s 2023 hit ‘HOT TO GO!’

“Hi, America! It’s that time of year again!” the short video sequence began before displaying the message, “You conducted 3,421 undisclosed military operations this year. That puts you in the top 12% of aggressors worldwide.”

“While it’s not a competition… there is a leaderboard,” the video continued. “Your top songs were:

1. Yemeni Radio Chatter 00:84:24.4 10.08.24

2. DLL/AfterMidnight/Encoded/84_3.mp3

3. Born In The USA

4. Proj.KD.hostage.redacted.executive

4. White Noise (Spooky Version)

5. HOT TO GO!”

“Your biggest day was 12 March when 673 malware programs were successfully installed on the personal computers of Russian diplomats. Where do you find the time?”

“You conducted espionage against 46 different sovereign nations this year. But one country was on repeat, repeat, repeat… Your top country to spy on was: The United States of America. Congratulations, you played yourself.”

“You’ve changed. And so has your combat tactics. Let’s look at your 2024 Positional Implementation.” Spotify then listed 106 global coordinates linked to previously undisclosed military bases and weapons caches. “Your vibe was so Pink Pilates Princess Strut Pop.”

Users were then played a short thank-you video from Dick Cheney before the presentation concluded with, “Thanks for being complicit, until next year!”

Intelligence agencies and politicians alike have been quick to disregard the stats as entirely fabricated and called for an international arrest warrant for anyone who uses the service. One spokesperson from the CIA said Spotify’s intel can’t be accurate as agents are forbidden from listening to Chappell Roan because “She’s clearly a Russian asset”.

Since every user received slightly different information, analysts are working to decode the potentially millions of pages of government secrets now available to the public. One busy-body reporter has already pointed out that since Spotify is a Swedish company the leak may constitute an act of war.

What do you think? Is Apple Music the superior streaming service? Let us know in the comments.

Thanksgiving Debate: LIVE!

In what many are calling the most important political debate of the year, You and Your Opinionated Uncle are scheduled to face off this Thanksgiving.

Although not the first, depending on the rhetoric, this may be the last debate between these two hot-headed candidates. Whilst You are expected to bring up numerous issues focused on policy grounded in facts and statistics, Your Opinionated Uncle is predicted to go in on “just vibes”.

It’s true that neither candidate for the title of ‘the most right family member’ has ever seen eye to eye with the other, but this year viewers are hoping for a more cordial back and forth.

“I just want to get through one Thanksgiving without having to play political mediator,” says Granny Sue who normally has your back but you are not sure how she voted this year so maybe she’s a goddamn traitor like the rest of them. “To try and calm things down, both debaters have agreed to have their mics muted whilst the other is talking.”

“I enjoy it personally,” says your cousin Jim who can’t talk because he’s been overseas with some NGO in Africa for years so how can he say he’s invested? None of this really affects him. “What? It’s fun to have a good healthy debate. A bit of intelligent discussion. It’s character-building. So long as no one gets punched like last year.”

Pundits are already putting up odds on who they think will win with 2:1 on Your Opinionated Uncle. 

Some people ask if this is really in the spirit of things. Isn’t Thanksgiving about giving thanks? Being thankful and spreading love? Well, no.

Every year millions of turkeys are slaughtered PRECISELY so you can have a shouting match with a family member who’s distant enough that you don’t mind offending them a little. 

[*The Star-Spangled Banner starts playing*]

Because America is all about our differences. It’s all about our freedom of speech and expressing that freedom violently. You have an obligation to debate the economy until the gravy gets cold and everyone hates you. That’s what the pilgrims did. You have a right, no, a god-given mandate to brandish your First Amendment right. Because if you don’t then all those Indians, all those turkeys, and probably Granny Sue as well (let’s be honest she’s on her last legs), all of them will have died for nothing.

So you cuss out your Uncle, boy. You go out there and put a smile on Lincoln’s face. Make tonight a night everyone will want to forget. Make the founding fathers proud. And God bless America.

Pass the peas, please.

Israel-Hezbollah Ceasefire Leaves Thousands Confused, ‘Which War Is Over?’

This is Peter. He likes to stay informed. He keeps up to date on the news from multiple sources. He’ll even pick up a book now and then. Peter thinks he’s on top of current affairs, but even Peter is confused by all the wars in the Middle East.

“A ceasefire! Oh my god, that’s great! Palestine’s free, it’s finally free!” says Peter reacting to the news of the ceasefire in Lebanon. When Peter’s friend, Naael, asks what’s happened, Peter incorrectly summarises: “They just announced a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas! The war is over!” 

Peter then settles down to read beyond the headline. Peter quickly realizes he was wrong but doesn’t have the heart to correct himself to Naael. Naael then goes out into the world and spreads the good (fake) news.

Naael tells three of her friends about the ceasefire, those friends tell three of their friends, and within just a matter of hours, thousands of people believe the Israel-Palestine war has ended.

Thousands take to the streets to celebrate and the jubilations continue late into the night. Bystanders see the party and assume a ceasefire has occurred in Gaza, they can’t all be wrong, surely? And so the story spreads. Further, further, deeper and deeper, seeping into the minds of millions.

At last, this one great game of telephone comes to the desk of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. He opens the intelligence report detailing the news of a ceasefire between Israel and Palestine. Bibi is confused. He does not remember signing such a ceasefire. He did sign one the other day, but that was with someone else…

Hmm. He has been fighting a lot of wars on a lot of fronts lately, it’s hard to keep them all straight. It definitely began with an ‘H’, Hamas? Hummus? Hezbollah? Hong Kong? It’s all very confusing. Maybe he did sign a ceasefire then. If everyone’s saying he did, then he must have done so. They can’t all be wrong…

Alright, says Bibi, hold the rockets, land the planes, fall back. The war is over.

Congratulations Peter, you were right all along.

Korean Man Becomes Obese to Avoid Military Draft

In South Korea, a man has been convicted for attempting to avoid military service by binge eating until he became obese (for real though, I’m not making a story up this time). After being sentenced to a year in prison, the unnamed man (but let’s call him Egg) agreed to be drafted to avoid his prison sentence.

Military service is mandatory for all South Korean men under 28 but many will go to extreme lengths to avoid joining. Some get full-body tattoos, feign mental illness, or in Egg’s case, he “doubled his meal portions, refrained from physically demanding jobs such as parcel delivery work, and drank large amounts of water right before measurements.”

Egg was deemed fit for combat at his initial physical exam but during the final examination was judged to be heavily obese at a weight of 225lbs (102kg or roughly 2,400 eggs).

An unnamed friend (let’s call him Toast) was also sentenced to prison for encouraging Egg’s extreme weight gain but said he never thought his friend would go through with the plan. Perhaps he shouldn’t have EGGED him on. (It’s one thing to make a pun, it’s another to make a pun that you’ve completely contrived into existence. It feels so forced. I’m so ashamed. I’ve really got egg on my face.)

It is unclear if Egg will lose the weight before beginning active duty, however, he will likely be put on desk duty which is less dangerous than active duty but is sooo boring.

The story once again raises the debate over whether the draft should even exist or whether that law should be re-DRAFTed (oh Lord, I am a cowering worm, wet with shame). Famously the Korean K-Pop pop band of boys, BTS, the popular pop music boyband, is on hiatus as its members serve out their military service, sparing the world from their upbeat earworms until their reunion next year.

But drafting BTS might have been part of a larger plan. By folding K-Pop into the military, South Korea clearly seeks to weaponize BTS’s infectious tunes against North Korea. Journalists have already reported on elaborate concerts at the border. As North Koreans are forbidden from hearing music of any kind, these concerts hope to force the enemy soldiers to retreat and thus win strategic land for the South. Only now does it become clear that Korea’s government-funded K-Pop program is, and always has been, a military… PSY-op (Lord forgive me).

Biden To Lend Ukraine His Secret Hurricane-Making Machine

Following Ukraine’s first use of US missiles and Biden’s agreement to supply anti-personnel mines to the country, the President has now revealed that he will also allow Zelensky to use America’s secret weather-controlling technology.

The top-secret tornado machine was the same machine successfully deployed by Democrats this October in Florida to punish the red state for being red. Although details are scant on how it actually works, experts suggest the device may involve a giant teaspoon suspended by a helicopter that spins around really fast until a cyclone is created.

Now this same tech will be transported to Ukraine and operate against frontline Russian troops. The ‘Hurri-kraine’ as it has now been dubbed will likely disrupt communications, supply lines, and if we’re really lucky maybe we’ll even get a little snow and we can make snowmen or have a snowball fight, that would be nice, wouldn’t it?

Zelensky was happy to receive the machine, commenting, “Thank you.”

Putin however was not happy Ukraine now has the machine, commenting, “No thank you.”

The war rages on.

President Biden gave the order from his secret treehouse in the Amazon rainforest where he now lives. Some have accused Biden of attempting to start World War III before Trump can enter office. To this, Jobs Golightly, a White (Tree)House spokesperson said, “No, that’s poppycock. Everyone knows that WWIII has already begun. What else would you call an armed conflict in which all the nations of the globe have become involved? Please.”

When asked about the rain-maker and whether it would be deployed again on American soil where it belongs, Golightly responded, “Wait, that’s classified, how do you know about that? Why would you say that out loud? What the hell is wrong with you? Ugh. The lame-stream media make me sick. SICK! Sorry, I have to go and throw up.” He then promptly fled the room.

Here’s hoping Biden’s storm-o-matic 3000 will bring about a swift end to the war and have no other repercussions whatsoever like summoning the wrath of the weather spirits angered for challenging their might.

Stormy Daniels could not be reached for comment.

Miss Universe Runs As Normal, Breaks Internet

Danish model Victoria Kjær Theilvig has been crowned 2024’s Miss Universe winner, causing political commentators on the internet (well, just X, really) to go into meltdown.

Son of the next president, Donald Trump Jr., X’d (?) out, “Biological & objectively attractive women are allowed to win beauty pageants again. WE ARE SO BACK!!!”

Likewise, Dutch right-wing commentator Eva Vlaardingerbroek made an X, “Wow. An actual European, blonde, blue-eyed woman won Miss Universe. That’s legal again? The tides are truly turning.” Similar comments of “nature is healing” and “a biological woman finally wins” flooded the site.

That’s a lot to unpack. Firstly, a transgender woman has never won the Miss Universe beauty pageant so it is unclear what nature has healed from, what tides have changed and who is so back and why. Theilvig is the first Danish woman to win so maybe it’s the Danes who are back? Maybe Mr. Trump refers to some secret, imminent Viking invasion??

Secondly, the winners of the Miss Universe beauty pageant have all been “objectively attractive”, since beauty (and you might need to sit down for this) is the primary criterion for a beauty pageant. What does Mr. Trump want? Will nothing please this man!

Oh, it’s racism.

Now the ‘r’ word gets bandied about a lot these days. It can be an ad hominem attack, falsely used to silence a detractor. But if recent previous winners have been non-white, the only thing that’s changed is that the winner is now white and someone says that’s better, what word would you use? When Eva said, “European, blonde, blue-eyed woman”, could she possibly be implying race? If a commentator implies that beauty is only in a certain race, what would you call that? Dang, if only there was a word we could use. Oh well.

But never mind! The Daily Mail has just explained that these Xs were jokes. Jokes! Lighthearted japes! They were in jest. My bad. My bad! I’ve been trolled. I got trolled. L. O. L. They pretended to be offended so I got confused so now they can say, “Haha, you’re offended” and we all laugh and do this again tomorrow.

Thankfully the Daily Mail, along with the New York Post, explained the joke to me. You see, a transgender woman was allowed to compete last year and the owner of Miss Universe is a transgender woman. Again, a transgender woman has never actually won, but you could imagine it happening. It’s plausible that if a non-trans woman won the Miss Universe beauty pageant that would be a federal crime, so, it’s all very funny.

For balance, some people on X also commented that they were tired of another white, blonde woman winning, saying of Theilvig’s appearance things like, “dis literally how 97.3% of white bitches look”, so, you know, people can be stupid both ways I guess.

I just don’t get it. Why is this even news? Why is this something political pundits have to weigh in on? Why does everything have to be politicized?? It’s a Mexican beauty pageant! And it’s not even universal! Now, there’s something to complain about. Where are the bug-eyed, green-skinned women from Glorpo Glorpo 7? Now that’s true beauty.

Trump To Replace Border With 300ft Chasm

“Dig the pit!” was a rallying cry for many Trump supporters during the election and will now become a reality after the president-to-be unveiled a new policy in a recent video: replace the entire US-Mexico border with a 2,000-mile long, 300-foot deep trench.

The “Anti-Wall”, the “Mexico-Moat” or simply, the “Trench”, will be paid for entirely by Mexico (for real this time) and the soil dug up to make the structure will be transported to the northern border with Canada to create a Game Of Thrones-style earth wall.

“It’ll be like the wall, but better,” explained Trump. “Like the wall but upside down, a beautiful thing, it’ll be so deep you can’t even see. I said aren’t you worried about the lava? Won’t you hit the lava? And they said no Mr. President it will be deep, deepest you’ve ever seen but the lava’s much deeper than that and I said couldn’t we maybe have some lava, just a little lava at the bottom maybe as well? And they said they would have to see, but I think we will have the lava. If you want to come into America you’ve got to win the floor is lava. That’s the new rule.”

The “Border Hole” is due to break ground on the day of Trump’s inauguration and will take an estimated 647 years to complete at the cost of $1500 per taxpayer. Despite the high cost, Republican lawmakers have insisted the project will be a net gain for the country.

“I think it’s a good idea,” said border expert and illegal immigrant, Jesus Bots. “A pit isn’t something you can just climb over, unlike a wall. You can’t use ladders or anything… oh, wait, maybe if you laid down a really long ladder, I didn’t think of that.”

Other non-experts have pointed out that the border already has large trenches as part of the current barrier, not to mention the Rio Grande which is technically a large trench, to which Mr. Bots interrupted, “Yes, but shhh-shh-sh.”

Some fear that the “Grander Canyon” will soon fill with the dead souls of the unfortunate immigrants who become caught inside and those spirits will de-evolve the natural wildlife into warped monstrosities that will seek to escape the pit and wreak revenge on all the Americans who allowed this to happen.

The Trump team has yet to comment on this possibility.

Trump Demands Recount, Wants More Votes

Despite winning the 2024 United States presidential election, Donald Jonathan Trump has demanded that all the votes be recounted in what political commentators are describing as “a really dumb move.”

Tweeting from his Truth Social X account Trump wrote, “I WON and by MUCH MORE THAN THE FAKE NEWS is saying I did. WE WON EVERYWHERE!!!! STOP THE STEAL!!!!!!!”

Although advisors close to the president-elect have urged him to “take the w” and accept the sweeping republican landslide, reportedly Trump has refused, claiming the election was rigged in his favor but not in his favor enough.

“Yeah, he’s not going to let this one go,” said Preston Mobisher, senior advisor to the Trump campaign. “He really, really wanted to win Dixville Notch, New Hampshire. He was pissed when that came in as a tie and don’t think he’s going to accept the election until he gets it.”

Mobisher says Trump plans to refuse the invitation to his own inauguration and was last seen deleting congratulatory DMs from world leaders before heading to bed.

“If he… um, if he doesn’t want it, can I have it?” asked Vice President Harris in response to Trump’s refusal. “That’s how it works right? Because I’ll take it, I’ll settle for sloppy seconds, I’m not proud! *laughs maniacally*”

Weighing in on the controversy, current (yes) President Joe Biden commented, “Please Don, just take the job, I’m gonna be 82 this month. Just let me quit. Please.”

Some states have already rushed to fulfill the presidentially mandated request. One Nevada counting center was reportedly seen shaking up its giant, novelty-sized abacus to start counting all over again.

Many Americans stayed up late to find out the election results and now hope the recount won’t take too long as one voter put it, “I would very much like to sleep now please.” News hosts expressed a similar sentiment after Wolf Blitzer passed out live on air, bringing the virtual results map crashing down with him and accidentally calling the election for Al Gore in the process.

Whether counters will be able to find Trump’s missing 100% of the vote remains to be seen but one thing is for certain this may indeed turn out to be one of the most consequential, eventful, important, significant, and historicious elections of the past couple of weeks.

Back to you in the studio, Rolfe.