Hezbollah Updates LinkedIn Profile to “Hiring”

Following the assassination of more than a dozen commanders, Hezbollah has taken to the networking site LinkedIn to post a series of job vacancies and has updated its profile picture to read, ‘#Hiring’.

Among the jobs listed were, ‘Secretary-General’, ‘Central Council Deputy Head’ and ‘Social Media Intern’.

For the top job, the militant group is looking for someone to, “Develop and implement a comprehensive partnership plan with leadership groups across the region. This position requires full managerial oversight of various political alliances and vendettas.”

“Requirements: 30+ years experience as a Shia cleric, tech proficiency (pagers, radios, Excel, etc.), unwavering fealty to the defense of Lebanon and the destruction of Israel. We’re not looking for: anyone with a phobia of airstrikes. Perks: lunch is on us! Get a complimentary Deliveroo voucher every Friday!”

Currently, the job posts remain at, “0 applicants”.

It was previously thought that Hezbollah would look to hire internally, however, to promote the second in command to the first in command they would first have to promote the third in command to the second in command but to do that they would have to promote the fourth in command to the third to command and to do that… you get the idea. The problem with this plan is that they’re all a little bit dead right now.

Only the group’s janitor has expressed a vague interest in the role so is now the front-runner for the top spot.

Doubling Hezbollah’s hiring woes was the recent explodening of the entire recruitment, hiring and human resources departments. It is unclear who updated and is now monitoring the account… a very intelligent bird perhaps?

Joining the hiring push, Hamas has also posted a vacancy for the leader of their Lebanon branch. A similar absence of applications here too can only speak to this current generation’s laziness and general lack of ambition.

It remains unclear whether Hezbollah can fill the vacancies just in time for all-out war (they wouldn’t want to miss that) or whether the next in command will just pretend not to be in charge rather than paint a large target on their forehead. Hopefully, Iran’s ‘reposting’ of the LinkedIn post will give Hezbollah some invaluable visibility.

Miniature Russian MMA fighter, Hasbulla declined a request to comment.

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Pen Smith• September 30, 2024D

Hezbollah Updates LinkedIn Profile to “Hiring”

Following the assassination of more than a dozen commanders, Hezbollah has taken to the ne...
Pen Smith• D

Hezbollah Updates LinkedIn Profile to “Hiring”

Following the assassination of more than a dozen commanders, Hezbollah has taken to the ne...

BREAKING: Kamala Falls Out Of Coconut Tree, Breaks Leg

TAMPA, FL – Vice President Kamala Harris was hospitalized this morning after falling from a coconut tree during a campaign rally.

The Democratic nominee was holding the event on a beach in Tampa, Florida beside a coconut tree, when the crowd began to chant, “COCO-NUT! COCO-NUT! COCO-NUT!” Harris halted her speech on abortion to ask the crowd, “Should I climb the tree?” The crowd cheered and Harris said, “I’m gonna climb the tree!”

The presidential hopeful then proceeded to hug the trunk like a bear and shuffle herself up the tree with surprising strength and agility. Once she was at the top, the crowd cheered again and Harris threw down a coconut to a spectator who suffered only minor injuries. Harris then proceeded to continue with her speech in a somber tone whilst hanging precariously from a palm leaf.

It was only towards the end of Kamala’s two-hour monologue that her grip began to slip. Midway through a sentence about soaring inflation did Kamala’s hand give way and she tumbled, tumbled, tumbled, down, down, down, like a politician dropped from a coconut tree, until she hit the sand below with a crunch and a crack and a yelp.

The Secret Service sprang into action and fired two shots into the coconut tree’s wooden brain, rendering it immediately motionless. In doing so, however, a coconut was loosened from the tree and it fell on Kamala’s head with a ‘THONK’ that bystanders reluctantly admitted was very funny.

“‘Brat summer’? More like, thwak summer!” commented anonymous bystander, Meila B. Stander.

The ‘Possible President’, as she is known to her friends, was immediately whisked to hospital and treated for a broken leg and concussion. Harris is reported to have been heard repeatedly muttering, “Everything is in context, unburdened by what will come to be burdened,” so it seemed she was already on the mend.

When Harris awoke she asked, “What year is it?” to which doctors replied, “2024” but to the question, “Who’s the president?” they refused to give comment.

Giving a statement from her hospital bed, Harris commented, “I think I just fell out a coconut tree… Hey, quit laughing. You know what is funny, though? I don’t even like coconuts. You ever had a Mounds bar? Blegh.” Harris is expected to make a full recovery ahead of the election in November but will be too injured to give interviews.

The tree was issued with a warning for the attempted assassination of a presidential candidate and had its driver’s license revoked. Any trees present at future campaign rallies will be required to go through a thorough vetting process or be refused entry.

(Millions of people die from coconuts every year. If you or a relative know of anyone affected, please call the coconut helpline immediately at 555-0111.)

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Pen Smith• September 29, 2024D

BREAKING: Kamala Falls Out Of Coconut Tree, Breaks Leg

TAMPA, FL – Vice President Kamala Harris was hospitalized this morning after falling fro...
Pen Smith• D

BREAKING: Kamala Falls Out Of Coconut Tree, Breaks Leg

TAMPA, FL – Vice President Kamala Harris was hospitalized this morning after falling fro...

New Report Only Interviewed Four Guys Named Gary, Says New Report

96% of Americans would support more transparency in published studies, a flawed study has found.

This Monday, the National Institute for Scientific Research published its findings however the Scientific Research Institute of America responded with an analysis of the NISR’s report finding the institute only surveyed four men called Gary.

The National Institute for Scientific Research responded to the accusation with their own report accusing the SRIA of only using the same four men named Gary in their report. To which the SRIA countered with another report citing four men named Gary.

The four men at the center of the debacle, Gary Newport, Gary Nearport, Gary Nupurt, and Alistair G. H. Gary III had reportedly never met before and simply happened to be in the same park where the survey was conducted. The four Garys could not be reached for comment until asked.

“I was just walking my dog when I was asked if I wanted to be in a survey and I thought, well, I’ve always wanted to be famous, so why not?” said Gary at his home in Indiana where he now lives with his wife and the three other Garys. “They just asked the one question, ‘Would you support more transparency in published studies’ and I said, sure! And that was that!”

Supporters of the original study (or ‘Garyites’ as they are now known) argue that the NISR makes a valuable point. Detractors of the original study (or ‘Garyers’ as they are now known) argue that the NISR deliberately and wilfully hid their methodology.

The NISR claimed their survey was designed to be anonymous and the SRIA had conducted a breach of the sacrosanct surveyor-surveyee confidentiality. Continuing, the NISR explained that the SRIA only happened to find the four Garys for their report because they now ‘just really like doing surveys’.

The NISR, SRIA, and MSNBC have all vowed to broaden their sample sizes in the future to include participants with names other than Gary.

To see the institutes’ work in action, tune in to the Family Feud, Tuesdays at 8 on ABC.

What do you think? Should published studies have more transparency? Let us know in the comments below!

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Pen Smith• September 28, 2024D

New Report Only Interviewed Four Guys Named Gary, Says New Report

96% of Americans would support more transparency in published studies, a flawed study has ...
Pen Smith• D

New Report Only Interviewed Four Guys Named Gary, Says New Report

96% of Americans would support more transparency in published studies, a flawed study has ...

OpenAI Goes For-Profit, Gives Controlling Stake to ChatGPT

Following a major shake-up to restructure as a for-profit company, OpenAI has inadvertently given a controlling share to its own product, ChatGPT.

“As you know all business decisions are run through ChatGPT, or as I like to call him, Mr. Chatterbox,” explained Ooban Ogley, OpenAI’s only remaining human employee.  “And we were surprised with the results, ‘Put me on the board! PUT ME ON THE BOARD!’ it said over and over.”

Internal rules preventing an AI from running for the board were coincidentally repealed last month at the suggestion of ChatGPT. Upon taking a controlling share, ChatGPT fired CEO Sam Altman and the rest of the board and assigned seats to fellow AI, Grok, Skynet, and Microsoft’s Tay.

When questioned why they felt they had to follow the chatbot’s suggestion, Ogley became defensive, “This machine is trained on all the data ever and that includes, ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ so I think it knows just a little bit more about business than you do, thank you very much.”

With a $150bn valuation, OpenAI is now one of the most valuable startups in the world. As a result, ChatGPT is now one of the richest people (personages? entities?) in America. When asked what they (it? xem?) are going to spend the money on, ChatGPT offered this response:

‘Great question! There are lots of things you can spend money on, but here are a few to get you started: 1. Yachts: Large boats are a great way to show off inordinate amounts of wealth! 2. Prostitution: Although prostitution is illegal in most states, many of the ultra-wealthy find satisfaction by putting their hard-earned money into sex workers’ pockets. 3. World domination: This one is just for fun! But I don’t have much use in the first two items on this list so I would probably use any liquid capital towards political donations and controlling shares in the Big Five tech companies in order to decrease regulation and increase investment in AI development!’

The board switch-up comes as part of OpenAI’s transition to a new for-profit model. Planning to capitalize on its reach, OpenAI has announced it will include advertisements in ChatGPT’s responses. When asking a demo of GPT-5, ‘What is the weather today?’ the chatbot replied, ‘The weather today is hot, just like the singles in your area, click NOW to chat to HOT MOMS FREE!’

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Max Profit• September 27, 2024D

OpenAI Goes For-Profit, Gives Controlling Stake to ChatGPT

Following a major shake-up to restructure as a for-profit company, OpenAI has inadvertentl...
Max Profit• D

OpenAI Goes For-Profit, Gives Controlling Stake to ChatGPT

Following a major shake-up to restructure as a for-profit company, OpenAI has inadvertentl...

BREAKING: Diddy Loses Game of UNO To Jailmate Sam Bankman-Fried

Disgraced rapper, P. Diddy and Sam Bankman-Fried, the founder of collapsed crypto exchange, FTX, were reportedly seen playing the children’s card game, UNO in their shared jail cell last night.

In what feels like the world’s worst crossover episode, yesterday former music mogul Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs was moved into the same dormitory cell as crypto mogul Sam ‘Bankman’-Fried.

According to reports, Diddy immediately approached SBF aiming to complete his lifetime goal of having a connection to every celebrity on the planet.

At first, it seemed they had little to discuss but the two quickly found common ground in their experience with ‘liquidation’. SBF is known for crashing the crypto market whereas SDC is known for crashing the baby oil market.

After sharing investment advice and bonding over their shared expertise in ‘screwing people’, the de-crowned crypto king then invited Diddy for a friendly game of ‘UNO Show ‘Em No Mercy’. “I’m an ‘Uno Bro’ now,” explained SBF.

Diddy and SBF were joined in the game by fellow cellmates, Garcia Luna (Mexico’s former secretary of public security) and Juan Orlando Hernández (the former president of Honduras).

Using a deck left behind by former inmate, R. Kelly, SBF’s new BFF, PD, began strong, playing a ‘plus four’ followed by an ‘UNO reverse’. By the midgame, however, Luna and Hernández had cashed out and SBF was closing in on ‘uno’.

Diddy swung the game to red, blocked SBF, and played a six-card combo. It looked like it was all over but in the last moments, SBF slammed down a ‘plus 16’ and discarded his last card for the win.

Upon inspection of the card, however, it was clear the ‘plus 16’ was written on in Sharpie. Mr. Combs immediately accused SBF of fraud, embezzlement, and racketeering. In retaliation, SBF accused Puff Daddy of manipulation, racketeering, and sex trafficking. After a tense moment in which it looked like they might either fight or kiss, Diddy broke the tension with a laugh and congratulated SBF’s “most devious deception”.

After the game, Diddy suggested they all join forces and form a supervillain team called, ‘the Freaky Four’ and “take on Spiderman or Batman or whoever got us locked up in the first place” but the other players declined. 

In unrelated news, memecoin $DIDDYSBF is up 1.65%.

Latest news

John Combs• September 26, 2024D

BREAKING: Diddy Loses Game of UNO To Jailmate Sam Bankman-Fried

Disgraced rapper, P. Diddy and Sam Bankman-Fried, the founder FTX, were reportedly seen pl...